[Horizon View] Replace VMware Horizon View Self-signed certificate

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[Horizon View] Replace VMware Horizon View Self-signed certificate

How to replace the self-signed certificate from VMware in VMware Horizon View 6/7 by a signed certificate.

First thing to do, create your CSR file (Certificate Signing request is a block of encoded text that is given to a Certificate Authority when applying for an SSL Certificate). It can be a local Certificate Authority from your company or a third party authority.

In my case, i have create a CSR in my mac using openssl.

openssl req -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -keyout /yourpath/yourkey.key -out /yourpath/yourfile.csr


Next fill the field as expected regarding your infrastructure

The most important field is “Common Name”. This field have to match with your FQDN , horizon view connection server or security server.

Once your request is created , you can send it to your certificate authority.

Next, connect to your Horizon View Connection Server and start an mmc console and load the Certificate Snapin

Select “Computer account” and click on “Next”.

Select “Local Computer” and click on “Finish”.

Next, look for , “Certificates (Local Computer)” –> “Personnal” –> “Certificates”. You will retrieved the self-signed certificat issued by VMware. Open the properties of this certificate .

In the “Friendly Name” field, replace  “vdm” by “vdm-old”. The Horizon connection server will check the friendly name field to find the proper certificate to used.


Now, import the new certificat from your mmc. Right click –> “All Tasks” –> “Import..”

Import Certificate

Select your certificate and click on “Next”.

Select Certificate

Move your certificate in the “Personnal” store and validate by “Next”.

Select Certificate Store

Type the password for the private key and click on “Next”.

pass private key

Click on “Finish”

import certificat finish

Open the properties of the certificate that you just import.

certificate property

In the “Friendly Name” field , type “vdm” and validate by clicking on “OK”.

Friendly Name

Run the services.msc console and restart the “VMware Horizon View Connection Server” service

Restart Horizon View Connection Server

Et voila , log in to your Horizon View admin interface and check if your certificate is properly working.

View Certificate

Enjoy !!

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