[Crypto] RX580 nitro+ modded bios mining +31MH/s – Ethereum

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This article will show you how to reach +31 MH/s with your RX580 with a Hynic, Micron or Samsung bios.

As you can see, i can achieve more than 31MH/s with ethereum in dual mining mode :).

So basically my config is :

Motherboard : MSI Z270-A Pro

Graphic Card : 4 x RX580 Nitro+ 8Go

OS : Windows 10 64 bit

Software mining : Claymore

Software needed :

Official Mining Drivers Beta for Blockchain Compute : http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/Radeon-Software-Crimson-ReLive-Edition-Beta-for-Blockchain-Compute-Release-Notes.aspx

AMD/ATI Pixel Clock Patcher : https://www.monitortests.com/forum/Thread-AMD-ATI-Pixel-Clock-Patcher

ATIFlash 2.74 : https://www.techpowerup.com/download/ati-atiflash/

GPU-Z : https://www.techpowerup.com/download/techpowerup-gpu-z/


Step 1 :  Install AMD Drivers 

Install the official Mining Drivers Beta for Blockchain Compute

Step 2 :  Patch your drivers 

Patch your drivers using AMD/ATI Pixel Clock Patcher

Apply the patch and reboot your computer

Step 3  : Backup your bios 

You can backup your RX580 bios using GPU-Z



Step 4 : Download modded bios

Important notice : Please download the correct bios for your RX580, Samsung,Micron, Hynix.  You can see it using GPU-z in the « Memory Type »
Step 5 : Apply the modded bios
Copy the Atiflash folder in c:
Open a cmd with administrator privilege and type : atiflash.exe -i 
With this command we will check our graphic card, and apply the bios on the correct one (For beginners, i recommend to plug one card at a time).
As you can see, 2 cards are using a 40000 romsize. Only hynix use a 80000 romsize.
In my exemple i will patch my 4 graphic card (which is the Micron Bios).
To specify a card , you have to used the parameter -p NumberoftheCard and -f to force the flash.
So for exemple you can type :
atiflash.exe -f -p 3 RX580MicronModded_Undervolt_v1.rom and press enter
Once the patch is applied, you have to reboot your computer and apply the bios one card at the time.
Step 6 : Claymore parameters 
Once all your cards are configured properly, you can start your claymore in dual mining ETH + PASL  with these parameters :


EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool eu1.ethermine.org:4444 -ewal wallet.MainRig -epsw x -dpool stratum+tcp://pasc-eu1.nanopool.org:15555 -dwal wallet.MainRig -dpsw x -dcoin pasc -esm 0 -estale 0 -asm 1 -dcri 9 -cclock 1250 -cvddc 950 -mclock 2250 -mvddc 950 -tstop 85 -tt 65 -fanmin 25 -fanmax 100

ETH only 

EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool eu1.ethermine.org:4444 -ewal wallet.MainRig -epsw x -esm 0 -estale 0 -asm 1 -dcri 9 -cclock 1250 -cvddc 950 -mclock 2250 -mvddc 950 -tstop 85 -tt 65 -fanmin 25 -fanmax 100

Step 7 : Start mining

Then you can start mining and see the result !!

And you can check the voltage and watt consumption of your cards.

 Only 125w per card !!

And voila !!


Donation :

BTC : 1Nj32mLtZ48L74jo5f1HbCFdZ5VkbK7Vba

ETH : 0xC772Eaec7572AD01616593c82b8389f510bA98f6


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